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Frequently asked questions

Who is Advent eLearning/

AdventFS manages traffic diversion and other programs for County Attorneys across the state, including the County Attorney Traffic Safety (CATS) program.

What is CATS?

Under KY law, County Attorneys can allow some drivers who meet appropriate criteria to take a traffic safety program in lieu of paying for the citation. When you pay your citation, you effectively plead guilty to the charge and that offense goes on your driving record. By going through traffic diversion, your traffic citation is dismissed, and that offense will not go on your record. There is no obligation for you to takes this course, and you can choose to pay your citation instead.

What does the traffic course consist of?

The CATS Program(TM) consists of online educational materials about driving safety and requires you to answer questions correctly throughout in order to pass the course. The course typically takes about one hour to complete on your PC, tablet or smart phone. Other formats, including DVD and booklet, are available upon request and subject to additional costs.

How will the County Attorney and Courts know I took the course?

The County Attorney’s Office will be notified as soon as you pass or fail the course. Once you pass the course, the County Attorney will notify the Courts that the charges have been dismissed. You will be provided a Certificate of Completion as well to keep for your records.

How much does the CATS program cost to take?

The cost of the course varies by county and appears on the letter you received. You can pay for the course by credit card, bankcard, prepaid card, check or money order. You can use most any card with the Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover logo on it.

How do I know if I have an account?

If you received a letter from your County Attorney, your course is available for you to take. Please enter your User ID and Password provided on the letter to begin. If you received an Invitation to Apply letter, please return to the home page and select the Invitation to Apply page to apply for the program.

Is this State Traffic School?

No, State Traffic School is an option available from the Courts once you pay your ticket, pay court costs and pay for Traffic School. Please contact your local Circuit Court Clerk for more information about State Traffic School.

What devices can I use to take a course?

The CATS course is designed to be taken on most any computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone running Windows, MAC OS, iOS, and Android operating systems. We’ve tested for compatibility with most major Internet browsers, including Internet Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.

Do I have to complete all of the course in one sitting?

No, the course allows you to stop anytime during the program and later resume where you left off.

If I fail the course, will I be able to take it again?

Yes, you will be given two opportunities to complete the course successfully, and you will not be charged for the second attempt to take the course. If you fail the course a second time, it will be up to the discretion of your County Attorney to grant you additional opportunities to take the course.

Can I review the results of my test?

Yes, you can review your score, correct answers and how you answered each question at any time after you finish taking the final exam.

Is the course available in other languages?

Yes, the course is available with narration in either English or Spanish. Most other additional languages can be accommodated by using your browser’s translation function and the Closed Captioning function in the video player.

Does the course accommodate the Hearing-Impaired?

Yes, the course is video-based and includes closed-captioning for the hearing impaired. To turn on closed-captioning, select the CC button on the video player of the course.

Does the course accommodate the Sight-Impaired?

Yes, the video portions of the course includes full narration, while the text-based components allow for assistive technology compatibility, including with magnification and screen-reader applications for sight-impaired students.



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